Monday, November 30, 2009

Junk Science! Scientists Are Angry and May Kill Us!

I read about a new record being set by a new particle accelerator (LHC)that is competing with the older one (CERN) to be the fastest and enable the best damn particle crashes ever. This whole particle acceleration thing is into Quantum Physics, a scientific New Age where the science seems more like it was taken from an LSD trip; but it’s for real.

Angry Einstein “fractal & practical” guys are claiming these Quantum Physics woo-woo guys are full of crap. Threatening civilization with their dangerous experiments using particle accelerators.

Like the Conservatives ranting against the Liberals. Screaming at each other because what is going on today is changing things faster than we have time to evaluate-before they have dire consequences. Sound familiar?

So for fun, I took this Einstein guy's rant and his warnings against the quantum theory guys; tried to understand it and simplify it. Edited it. Here’s how he sounded to me:

“CERN Misinforms Mankind”…

(THEM GUYS)  The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is a quark factory that will deconfine millions of quarks, the strongest, most attractive particles of the Universe. They carry the Atom’s mass, caged inside their nuclei. 99% of LHC’s production will consist on superfluid Quark condensates, a new state of matter, defined by Einstein, in which Quarks fusion together, creating hyper-dense, attractive tornado-like vortices with properties similar to black holes.

(US GUYS)  “Astro-physicists fear that if enough quarks are pegged together in one of those condensates, they can trigger a mass-reaction that would attract all the other quarks of the Earth, transforming our planet into a dense pulsar or black hole. Because in Nature all what is possible happens (Gell Mann’s Totalitarian principle), Quark stars should happen at LHC… risks for Earth of a quark factory in this planet


(THEM GUYS)  “This is a clear case of industrial corruption. But the Company (LHC) voices out ‘ad hominem’ campaigns against those who denounced the crime, voices out false statements…and makes marketing campaigns on fringe theories pumped up as the ‘meaning of it all’ (the god’ s particle, which Nambu, last year nobel prize proved to be self-similar to the already discovered top quark, hence non-existent…the big-bang hype, a discredited theory, which today serious ‘avant-garde’ scientists have dischared.

“…this ‘Quark Cannon’ is just a relic of the Cold War industry of Nuclear Devices, ‘reconverted’ to spureous civil use; a weapon that menaces for the first time in history the survival of our species and is halting the true evolution of Cosmology, by limiting resources for telescopes, by lobbying against the spread of the more advanced fractal theory of the Universe and Einstein’s work, which contradicts the outdated musings of Mr. Higgs and Mr. Hawking.

(US GUYS)  “Indeed, Fractal Relativity has proved that Einstein’s relativity not quantum theorists have properly defined Mass ….Mass is therefore the frequency of a cyclical vortex, a clock of time that carries the information of the Universe, as Nobel Prize Wilczek has proved ad nauseam. Those are the true models that are advancing cosmology with pen and paper, all of them based in Einstein’s work

(THEM GUYS)  “On the other side quantum fantaphysics, proposes the absurd Higgs Mechanism according to which an invisible ‘particle’ is ‘foreseen’ by other particles who ‘come to meet Higgs’ as if ‘it were a celebrity’ (sic), attracting them. This is truly nonsense, and so Nobel prize weinbgerg justly calls Higgs the ‘toilet particle’, to be flushed down into one of Einstein’s spacetime vortex as the Earth might be next year.

(TED MUSES) It’s interesting to me that older, “practical”, conservative scientific thought is sort of denying any ‘creationist- door-opener’ Quantum findings. Findings of mysterious, unexplainable happenings going on that might possibly influence the anti-creationist argument. Progressives suggesting there possibly could be a creator? Now there’s a flip-flop!)

Back to the article…

(US GUYS)  "People do not understand that CERN’s quantum entropy physicists deny Einstein’s work, despite being the foundation of modern cosmology because in Einstein’s models upgraded today by fractal Relativity the risks of extinction are close to 100%.

  “As today because of those ‘ad hominem’ campaigns, serious scientists trying to alert mankind can no longer explain those risks in mainstream magazines and the right to Freedom of Speech has been impeded. Still in you can see a documentary with the other side of CERN. Many lives are at risk, real lives of real people, as never before.

“Today mankind has no defense because the judiciary, politicians and the press who should check and denounce the excesses of companies and governments are not doing their job of warning the population and so private individuals have to step forward, obviously with far less efficiency as our suits against this company which judges have refused to accept, have shown. Time is running out to take seriously the biggest danger for Global Safety of the year 2010.

(THEM GUYS)  “This machine-weapon MUST be halted till the theoretical dispute between quantum theorists and relativity theorists is solved, as all seems to indicate in favor of Einstein; which will mean the quark factory will have to be closed if we want to survive and advance further our knowledge of the cosmos, on the path the true master of physics, NOT a machine but a HUMAN MIND showed us.

“The so-called toilet particle has been the alibi for the construction biggest, most dangerous weapon since Teller tried to sell a Doomsday giant H-bomb to blow up the entire Soviet Union - manufactured by his own company at stratospheric costs, with the approval of ‘all’ the Nuclear Physicists’ community. Eisenhower called Krushev to stop that madness. We need a new Eisenhower to stop ‘cuckoo nuclear physicists’ from trying once again to blow up the Earth with the excuse of knowledge. Mr. Rompuy and Mr. Obama perhaps could make a change ‘we can believe in’ and deserve a Nobel Prize received in the past with an action from the future.

“Recently ‘quantum physicists’ proved with their nonsense maths that the future was interfering with LHC. It is ‘the future of science’ what is warning mankind against an obsolete machine that menaces the future of all of us.

(TED ENDS WITH)  A bit heavy for one of my blogposts, but I hope you will just get my jist. The familiar sounds and arguments. And will leave a comment. Talk To Ted !