Monday, November 2, 2009

Bunko Regaining Its Popularity

I thought bunko was a term meaning bullshit.  It's not.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia-edited by Ted
Bunco is a parlour game played in teams with three dice. A winning throw in Bunco is to throw three of a kind of a specified number.

According to the World Bunco Association[1], Bunco began as a progressive dice game in England, later being imported to the American West as a gambling activity. It was not until after the Civil War that it evolved to a popular parlor game.

The Association states that during Prohibition, Bunco, an illegal gambling game, was re-popularized and the term "Bunco-Squad" was used for the cops who raided the games.  Senior citizens and young adults alike have found interest in the game.

Bunco fundraisers have become increasingly popular over the years, earning large sums for a wide variety of charities.
RULES:  Players alternate turns. A turn consists of rolling 3 dice aiming to obtain the specified number. Players gain one point for each of the specified number. If the player gets three-of-a-kind of the specified number they get twenty-one points. The round stops when a player at the head table obtains twenty-one points. Then the next round starts. There are six rounds. They progress in order from one to six, inclusive. Note who wins each round. Whoever wins the most rounds is the total winner and receives the money bet.

A Press Release issued by Procter & Gamble who feature the game in a 2008 advertisement for their Anti-Heartburn medicine Prilosec OTC, stated in 2006 that over 29 million people play Bunco regularly.

And that's not bullshit!

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