Sunday, November 15, 2009

Why Do Our Fingers Tingle, Is That God?

I was sitting in  my special chair early this morning starting to meditate.  Sitting straight up nice.  I took a couple deep breaths.  I turned my palms upward and felt my fingers, not quite a tingle.  More a "ready to feel something" feeling. 

Or is it "ready to receive" some energy information our science has not yet discovered?  The gesture is eons old.  A universal supplication.  What the hell is going on?  I am sure a neurologist would have some erudite explaination.  If not him, then a psychologist.  But...
     I choose to believe there is a God behind the veil and that God loves me.  I want to believe this.  I'm old; I need to.  And it is much more comforting than the fear of God stuff I heard at the Islamic Center or thinking I will just be dirt or ashes.
     I am going back to the chair now to feel the tingle, be conscious of my breathing and say a mantra or something to put me in that pleasant state of acute awareness with no  thoughts-no monkeys in my head chattering about bills, blog posts...

Think about it.  Think about not thinking.  Meditate.

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