Tuesday, February 23, 2010

There is money and help available to avoid foreclosure, but try to find it!

If you are getting threats of foreclosure, there are programs and there is money. Just no clear, well-marked, well publicized path to it. They don’t want too many applicants.

I received a Florida Realtors post this morning… “A year into the program, 116,297 permanent loan modifications, including 14,598 in Florida, have been completed”


President announces $1.5 billion plan to help struggling homeowners

LAS VEGAS – Feb. 22, 2010 – A plan to channel $1.5 billion to housing agencies in five states hit hardest by the real estate crash has Florida officials hopeful they can keep more people in their homes and out of foreclosure.

Those solutions are expected to plug holes in the administration’s earlier Making Home Affordable Program, which has struggled to help unemployed homeowners who don’t have the income to qualify for a loan modification.

The program offers incentives to banks to reduce mortgage payments by cutting interest rates or principal amounts, but has been panned by critics for not reaching enough people.

The $1.5 billion in taxpayer money, which is coming from the federal Troubled Asset Relief Program, can be used to help negotiate with lenders to write down mortgages on underwater loans.

A year into the program, 116,297 permanent loan modifications, including 14,598 in Florida, have been completed. But that’s only a fraction of the estimated 3.4 million loans nationwide that are 60 or more days delinquent.

Boynton Beach resident Lenore Cohen, 81, said she’s been overwhelmed by the loan modification process, which she said has included harassing letters from her bank and notices of non-payment, even when she paid.


The post referred to the FLORIDA HOUSIING COALITION

“Jaimie Ross is President of the Florida Housing Coalition”

I looked it up. Here is some stuff about it….

“Our Vision:

The Florida Housing Coalition is the State of Florida’s affordable housing training and technical assistance provider. The Florida Housing Coalition is commonly acknowledged as the foremost authority in Florida on affordable housing, community development and related issues, as a clearinghouse for information, a provider of training and technical assistance, and an advocate at the state and national levels for people in need of affordable housing. Every Florida community, large and small, practices a community ethic reflecting a belief that access to housing that is decent, safe, affordable and of a person’s own choosing, is a fundamental right and that at least one active, viable community-based organization plays an important role in delivering affordable housing and related services in each community.

The Coalition provides information, training and technical assistance on affordable housing and related issues; supports community-based partnerships in leveraging

resources; and advocates for policies, programs and use of funding resources that maximize the availability and improve the quailty of affordable housing in Florida. The Coalition carries out this mission recognizing that affordable housing is an integral part of community revitalization and economic development.

The Florida Housing Coalition is based in Tallahassee and has six other offices throughout Florida. Our technical assistance team consists of a highly skilled and geographically dispersed network of professional staff providing technical assistance in all areas of affordable housing planning, finance, and development. Our professional technical assistance team also includes the expertise of our twenty five member board of directors. Our team is one of the largest and most accomplished statewide providers of training and technical assistance in the nation.

Florida Housing Coalition - Tallahassee Office

Phone: 850-878-4219

Hours: Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. ET


The Post also refers to the US Government’s MAKING HOME AFFORDABLE PROGRAM. I looked it up:

This site is very complicated. It will take hours and hours of work to just to find out if you qualify and then to prepare the information needed before you can call a counselor and ask for help. They really don’t want applicants. It’s a political stall. Eventually, FANNY and FREDDIE will have to foreclose. The government will own a large share of the housing market, and will control housing (along with automobile manufacturing, banking…and)

We really are at a tipping point. European style “government control with some private enterprise” or “Private Enterprise with some government control. Make your choice and place your vote!

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