Monday, March 15, 2010

Ted's Not Dead! About the Gout

I haven't posted to this blog lately.  I'm not dead.  But not well.  Got the gout.  Took the cure.  It damn near killed me.

I have had occasional bouts with my left toe over the last couple years.  Sometimes because I've put my foot in my mouth...embarassing but not painful.  But my toe Gout is caused by sharp little needles formed from crystals of sodium urate in the toe joint.  Piss in my toe! 

Gout pain is on the same scale with back pain.  Not Nice.  First time it happened was on a weekend, two days after I was released from Flagler Hospital for something else.  I was too embarassed to wake my wife and tell her my toe hurt, so I left a note and snuck off to the Emergency Room. 

They understood it was gout and admitted me.  A shot and I can't remember what else and after a few hours, I was released.  Local Doc prescribed colcachine and indomethacin.  I puked and pooped for several days, but no gout pain.

So this time, again in the middle of the night, I thought I figgured it out.  It was the big pill, that indomethacin thing.  I thought I remembered getting sick from that before.  So I didn't take it.  I just took the little tiny colchicine pills.  Every 15 minutes for about an hour. 

That was Wed. Night.  Thursday I didn't feel too well.  Didn't eat much.  Went to dinner with four friends at HighJackers. Had three peel-and-eat shrimp and a YingaLing beer.  One crap during the meal.  When the check came I went running out the door.  Puked way over to the side by the airplanes.  Everyone was leaving as I finished up my internal backflush and I snuck over to our car.

The purpose of this blog:  Gout is heredetary.  Find out all you need to know at  at  but know this from Ted...don't take COLCHICINE.  Its bad and lasts forever.  Here's what Wikipedia says about its toxicity:
"Colchicine poisoning has been compared to arsenic poisoning: symptoms start 2 to 5 hours after the toxic dose has been ingested and include burning in the mouth and throat, fever, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain and kidney failure. These symptoms may set in as many as 24 hours after the exposure. Onset of multiple-system organ failure may occur within 24 to 72 hours. This includes hypovolemic shock due to extreme vascular damage and fluid loss through the GI tract, which may result in death. Additionally, sufferers may experience kidney damage resulting in low urine output and bloody urine; low white blood cell counts (persisting for several days); anemia; muscular weakness; and respiratory failure. Recovery may begin within 6 to 8 days. There is no specific antidote for colchicine, although various treatments do exist.[6]"
    I think my dear doctor prescribed this demon drug because I am a charity case using unfunded Medicare Insurance and its Part D drug plan.  The D is for "donut hole".  Fall in and you pay 100% of all costs.  I fall in annually.  So I get all 'generic' drugs.  By law these are allow to contain up to 20% different ingredients than their "identical" brand name products.
  I still feel like shit,  look like shit, can't stop shitting and can only eat mini portions of bland food and drink sips of gater ade.  Left the Good Doctor a voicemail message about my problem.  He will get to it eventually.  God will fix it or take me home, or I go back to the emergency room soon!

God Bless You and Namaste'

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