Wednesday, June 8, 2011


Here is a paragraph from John Mauldin's newsletter that is very enlightening...

"Europe, America and Japan draw their economic managers from the ranks of professionals sliding back and forth between the banks and finance ministries – what the Japanese call “descent from heaven” to the private sector where worldly rewards are greatest.

It is not merely delayed payment for past service. Their government experience and contacts helps them influence the remaining public bureaucracy and lobby their equally opportunistic replacements to promote pro-financial fiscal and monetary policies – that is, to handcuff government and deter regulation and taxation of the financial sector and its real estate and monopoly clients, and to use the government’s taxing and money-creating power to provide bailouts when the inevitable financial collapse occurs as the economy shrinks below break-even levels into negative equity territory."

I have a college degree, have earned Mercedes level income and have always voted Republican.

I did not have time to learn how some "conservative" values were self-serving. If you had extra money and were an "investor", if you had a "financial advisor" you were a Republican and a patron of our financial institutions.

However, our current Republican Congressmen are in bed with Wall Street. They depend on them for contributions and get-me-elected-again, support. They have nearly ruined our country using debt to finance pork and political payoffs .

I am now a local "Tea Party" Independent. Until and Unless I find out Tea Party candidates are just as self-serving and corrupt as the ones we already have.

I think the only real answer is term limits. "Throw The Bums Out" Don't let the bastards make a well-paying career out of "public service". Kill their health and retirement benefits. Our current politicians are a ruling class, not public servants.

(My quote is from The Stark Choice for Europe - John Mauldin's Outside the Box E-Letter)

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